"You have the training to join a classical company but definitely not the body. You would need longer legs, a smaller waist . . . October 20, 2017 Actually Just Smaller Everything. It's A Shame Though, You're Really Good."- A random middle aged man in an open professional ballet class
"No you definitely need to wear a shirt, you have too much stomach fat to only wear a sports bra." October 20, 2017 - A female choreographer regarding costuming
'Its always easier to work with attractive people. The view helps.' October 02, 2017 - said by a male superior to a female colleague
'Men act differently around women. When a woman comes in we sit up straight. The more attractive she is the straighter we sit.' October 02, 2017 -The head of a global department to a female client
"Go over there with the boys and ask them to teach you something. You're attractive, I'm sure they wouldn't mind working with you." October 02, 2017 - director to dancer at work
'you have a really masculine energy maybe you should balance it out' October 02, 2017 -said by a male friend