Best of America Loves holds/hosts/is live working rehearsal performance events. We think of "event" under the working definition of Alain Badiou:
“An Event is simply that which interrupts the law, the rules, the structure of the situation, and creates a new possibility. An Event is not initially the creation of a new situation, the creation of a new world; an Event is the creation of a new possibility of a new world, which is not the same thing. In fact the Event takes place in a situation that remains the same, but the same situation can be seen and can be transformed inside the new possibility."
Best of America Loves is research on display.
BOAL: Horror Edition was conceived and executed by Katja Cheraneva and Frances Chiaverini in June 2014 at S T O R E in Dresden, Germany as a preparation and incubation period for a future work titled Exercising Fear; Scary Piece. Over the course of 10 days, Horror Edition hosted several open events including several ghosting research rehearsal performances, film screenings, horror make-up trials, a casting call, and an interactive photography exhibit.
Collaborators included: Christin Zorn, Konstanze Schütze, Danilo Barsch, Cyril Baldy, David Kern, Patrick Lauckner, Julia Mintzer, Riley Watts, Stefanie Dimitrow, Vineeth Surendranath, Michael Tucker, Paul Barsch
Photography by Danilo Barsch, Frances Chiaverini, Katja Cheraneva
Make-Up by Stefanie Dimitrow